The Big One
Tale of Flocksworth
C# (Godot)
I am working on a game called Tale of Flocksworth.
It's currently in its very early stages.
Main Claim
Garry's Mod Addons
Lua (GLua)
I made a lot of addons for Garry's Mod.
Some of these good, some of these bad, but all are free.
Good Code
STAssistant Discord Bot
JavaScript (Node)
A basic Discord bot written on discord.js.
Not ready for release, but test it in its server.
Burnout 3 Loading Screen
A loading screen for Garry's Mod servers.
Learn how to change the image here.
String Cleanser
Replace near-English characters with their English equivalents.
A good choice for usernames.
Xbox Gamertag Generator
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Generate a single gamertag based on Microsoft's generator.
Very simple and very old.
DeadBot Discord Bot
JavaScript (Node)
A leveling and stat Discord bot written on discord.js.
Made for a friend's IO game, used exclusively in its server.
Your Infinite Rumble
Randomly generates an infinite version of Link Wray's Rumble.
Isn't even almost finished, but the basis is there.
Minecraft BeeArena
A Minecraft plugin that spawns custom bees within a specified arena.
Made for See it there while I make some media for it.
C# Snippets
I've been using C# as my problem-solving language.
Some of my small personal programs are on GitHub.
Web Stuff
This Website
I made this website from scratch.
FlexBox is cheating.
BR Wiki
Weapon stat page for the game
Not really a wiki nor is it maintained.
JS Toybox
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
A small collection of small scripts for my own use.
Didn't put a lot of effort into making them look super good.
DeadShot Gem Miner
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
A fake miner for currency in
It doesn't really do anything, but the animation is nice.
Music Page
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
The NodeBeat song list is built with JavaScript.
Playing any song also pauses all of the rest.
Old Code
Minecraft Spigot plugin that lets you move between a plain survival world.
I don't like it, but grab the ZIP file.
Minecraft Spigot plugin that lets you cancel downfall by cursing it in chat.
This uses a deprecated function and is also in a ZIP file.
A basic GUI system made in C++ for a cancelled project.
Way too specific to release or show off, but I wrote about it.
Map Manipulator
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Beginnings of a map website for Hunt: Showdown.
Someone beat me to it. This is what I wrote before I realized.