Click one of the links below to see the loading screen for that map:
- cs_assault
- cs_compound
- cs_havana
- cs_italy
- cs_militia
- cs_office
- de_aztec
- de_cbble
- de_chateau
- de_dust
- de_dust2
- de_inferno
- de_nuke
- de_piranesi
- de_port
- de_prodigy
- de_tides
- de_train
- cs_hijack
- cs_meridian
- de_corse
- de_dolls
- de_forest
- de_mirage_css
- de_wanda
- ttt_67thway_v3
- ttt_airbus_b3
- ttt_aircraft_v1b
- ttt_amsterville_2015
- ttt_bank_b13
- ttt_bb_schooldayv3_r3
- ttt_canyon_a4
- ttt_casino_b2
- ttt_clue_se
- ttt_community_bowling_v5a
- ttt_community_pool
- ttt_crummycradle_a4
- ttt_forest_final
- ttt_glacier
- ttt_hairyhouse
- ttt_innocentmotel_v1
- ttt_island17
- ttt_minecraft_b5
- ttt_minecraft_haven
- ttt_minecraft_mythic_b8
- ttt_minecraftcity_v4f_r2
- ttt_mw2_terminal
- ttt_richland_fix
- ttt_rooftops_a2_f1
- ttt_roy_the_ship_fesiug
- ttt_siege_v1c
- ttt_skyscraper
- ttt_subway_b4
- ttt_terraria
- ttt_terrortrain_v1b
- ttt_theship_v1
- ttt_vessel
- ttt_waterworld_remastered_2020
- ttt_whitehouse_b2
- ttt_winter_project
- ttt_zanzibar
Official CS:S Maps
Community CS:S Maps
Community TTT Maps
All code made by SweptThrone. Zero libraries and zero dependencies.
Requires x86-64 branch to work, which is a big downside.