-= STAssistant Full Changelog =- :: u30 marked the change from a Lua-driven SweptBot :: :: into a JavaScript-driven TCoAssistant :: :: u111 coincided with the Grand Rebrand, :: :: switching Throneco and TCo to SweptThrone and ST, :: :: meaning the bot is now named STAssistant :: :: u71 marked the change from x.y.z notation :: :: to ux notation, which is just Update #x :: :: Old-style changelog to u68 available at :: :: https://sweptthr.one/stassistant/old_changelog.txt :: u158 - Disabled whitelist functionality. u157 - Added --strat. u156 - XdY dice now shows stats. u155 - Added support for XdY notation for dice. u154 - Added --reverthandles. u153 - Fixed --cancel and --hold not working. u152 - Added the handle enforcement features. u151 - Added a personal thread notifier. u150 - Made Bruh Mockery random. u149 - Added the --hold command. u148 - Removed SweptTTT points checker. u147 - Deprectaed delete_oof, delete_ree, delete_dots, and discord_ban. u146 - Added a warning when trying to do --color #000000. u145 - Deprecated delete triggers. u144 - Added shorthand dice rolling with --d#. u143 - Added color visualizer with --vis. u142 - Ghost Ping module now mentions the relevant users. u141 - Made Bruh Mockery detect more. u140 - Added missing helptexts. u139 - Tagging the bot with no message tells its prefix. u138 - Added helptext for --points and made it find URLs. u137 - Added sed. u136 - Added numeric voting. u135 - Fixed Name DeFloat removing characters anywhere in a name. u134 - Fixed a dice crash and added argument help. u133 - Redesigned the help command. u132 - Added the timestamp command. u131 - Added the whitelist system. u130 - Added the SweptThrone-only userdata feature. u129 - Removed the remember/remind/forget commands. u128 - Added the time command. u127 - Updated library and fixed a lot of issues. u126 - Added the cancel command. u125 - Fixed some delete modules still messaging if it does't succeed. u124 - Added the ability to roll multiple dice at once. u123 - Added letters in boxes to name_cleanser. u122 - Fixed ghost_ping not working with roles. u121 - Added some outliers to name_cleanser. u120 - Rewrote most of the bot and removed some things. u119 - Fixed another case of rapid renaming. u118 - delete_dots module no longer deletes replies. u117 - Added Emote Only mode with --emoteonly u116 - Continuing to fix things broken by v12 (ghost ping). u115 - --whatsnew and --update are now once again code. u114 - Added the Pazaak command to the helptext list. u113 - Added --setcompete and changed --setstream to include a URL. u112 - Updated to discord.js v12. u111 - Rebrand from TCoAssistant to STAssistant. u110 - Improved everyone tagging detection for relevant commands. u109 - Changed the mountain in Rock, Paper, Scissors to the new rock emoji. u108 - Added name_cleanser module, removed no_politics, improved name_unfloat for hashtags. u107 - Updated name_unfloat to catch asterisks and question marks. u106 - Fixed a crash related to invalid birthday months. u105 - tenor_delete module now catches Giphy links as well. u104 - Refined the vote feature using promises. u103 - Improved name_unfloat and channel_ads to prevent rapid name changing. u102 - Updated discord_ban to trigger on .com/invite links as well. u101 - Added validity checks for module and hopefully improved oof deletion. u100 - Tweaked the response about BR skins, exclusive to the Build Royale server. u99 - Added validity checks for bday_wishes. u98 - Improved functionality of delete_oof and delete_dots. u97 - Ghost-Pinged users can now react with an X to remove the message. u96 - Made delete_oof and delete_ree more robust. u95 - Added the bday_wishes module and --bday command. u94 - Fixed being able to bypass discord_ban by omitting the http. u93 - Fixed being able to bypass discord_ban by editing. u92 - Reverted to u89. u91 - \i now only works for responses that are often mistakenly triggered. u90 - Adding \i to any message will now cancel any responses TCoA might have. u89 - Added exclusive changes to the changelog. u88 - Ghost Ping will now remove the grave accent character from usernames, and added --points, exclusive to the Throneco server. u87 - You can no longer bypass Discord Auto-Ban or Delete Tenor using the choose or remember command. u86 - Replaced the diamond with a mountain for Rock, Paper, Scissors. u85 - Added a line about help in the help. u84 - Added a response about BR scrims, exclusive to the Build Royale server. u83 - --invite is now sent over DM. u82 - Added a response about BR skins, exclusive to the Build Royale server. u81 - channel_ads module works even more often. u80 - channel_ads module works more often. u79 - More features respect the pause state of the server. u78 - channel_ads now detects "youtube" and "twitch". u77 - Fixed rapid changing of nicknames because of channel ads. u76 - Added an info page link to --invite. u75 - Made --choose work with multiple arguments. u74 - Fixed a DM edit crash. u73 - Fixed a DM delete crash. u72 - Added --vclink. u71 - Switched from x.y.z versioning to ux versioning, added name_unfloat module, added some missing changes to changelog, removed --d20 from --help. u70 - Improved --color helptext and added another parameter. u69 - New module - no_politics, and added better helptext for module. u68 - Added two new modules - bruh_response and delete_tenor. u67 - Added the modules system, helptexts via --help , fixed up color role removal, removed D20 and setstatus. u66 - Added help text to --color. u65 - Added the --real command and two subcommands, money and temp. u64 - Fixed a ton of case sensitivity issues. u63 - --color is no longer case-sensitive. u62 - Fixed a typo in the features help. u61 - Added setstatus. u60 - --triggers can now only be viewed by people with Manage Messages. u59 - Added --server. u58 - Trigger messages now test for Manage Messages instead of Admin. u57 - Fixed --color for non-colors, fixed ghost ping detection being hyper-active, shortened changelog, added link to full changelog. u56 - Made callout message not auto-delete. u55 - Changed callout messages to DM. u54 - Added rough ghost ping prevention feature. u53 - Added pls meme response. u52 - Added the vote feature. u51 - Rejoice! Added support for the em dash for when you use TCoA on iOS! u50 - Added --pause and --unpause. u49 - Added --join, --leave, and --play. SUPER pre-alpha. Also added some new tag phrases, --d20, and --update/whatsnew. u48 - Added --tf, which is just --yn but different responses. u47 - Fixed up color translation. u46 - Added --translate for colors. u45 - Removed Tenor auto-deletes. u44 - Removed Twitch posting due to rate limits that I don't know how to circumvent. u43 - Removed ree prevention, moved to a dedicated computer, added limited Twitch posting, added delete triggers, added Tenor auto-deletes, and added --invite. u42 - Added --emoji with parameters. u41 - Added --setgame, --setwatch, --setlisten, and --setstream. u40 - Added --forget. u39 - Added --uptime. u38 - Added --remember and --remind. u37 - You can use ~ as well as --. u36 - Added --color command. u35 - Shortened changelog, added --help features. u34 - Added the choose function, tagging the bot, and a secret. u33 - Moved to a Raspberry Pi, removed xD prevention, added ree prevention, added invite link auto-ban, added tagging someone. u32 - Removed commands that didn't work and were unfunny. u31 - Added changelog, RPS, Y/N, and help fun. u30 - Transitioned to JavaScript, and removed some stuff. u29 - Added --problems u28 - Added tagging user responses, shortened changelog, and added fun section. u27 - Added Dirk's gay feature. u26 - Removed setgame and added a guess. u25 - Added anti-advertising measures. u24 - Added ecks dee prevention. u23 - Fixed single item --choose crash. u22 - Isn't real u21 - Added setgame command. u20 - Isn't real. u19 - Fixed --server and added --invite. u18 - Removed message edit reply because SHUT UP. u17 - Added server command. u16 - Added yes/no command. u15 - Added day, time, and date commands. u14 - Added update command. u13 - Improved functionality of choose command. u12 - Added Rock, Paper, Scissors. u11 - Added choose command. u10 - Added what's up command. u9 - Added dice command. u8 - Added alt response to guess what. u7 - Added whomst. u6 - Added dev-side event printing. u5 - Added what time it is. u4 - Added changelog and changelog help text. u3 - Added secret command 1. u2 - Added "guess what" response. u1 - Changed --ping response. u0 - Added --ping and message edit response.