Week of September 6, 2020

STStamina 2

I started working on a sequel to STStamina, this time doing things the right way, using SetupMove instead of SetWalk/RunSpeed, which the first one uses. Still a work in progress.

TCoAssistant u97

I updated TCoAssistant, this time adding a way for the victims of a ghost ping to delete the message by reacting to it. The ghost ping message has been updated to reflect this change.


While trying to fix the disappearing entities bug on 5weptRP, I was able to pin down the cause and a fix for it that affects numerous addons. Fixes are being pushed to the Workshop.


I decided that now was a good time to update all three servers from a March version of SrcDS to a current version. This may result in some broken stuff on them, so keep an eye out.

