Week of May 12, 2024

Tale of Flocksworth

Most of this week was spent planning and writing a few things to make my next goal easier and/or possible. Besides planning, you now move with your WASD keys, you now move properly using Godot functions instead of reinventing the wheel, and I added a noclip mode to help with debugging. My next goal requires scary math so I’ve kinda been avoiding it, teehee!

GMod Stuff

I also had some stressful business to take care of so I took some time to make some dumb stuff in GMod. I got a TMP that overheats, a one-shot rifle that thunders, and an improved version of bullet snapping.

Weapon Unpacker

While making the aforementioned weapons, I also wrote a quick script to unpack weapons from classname/shared.lua format to classname.lua format.

