I made a system for sending GTA-like notifications to players. They work, they scale, they queue.
Weapon Locker
I made a weapon locker that allows you to store up to four weapons in it and keeps track of their ammo. It also has a cool flashing overlay.
Money Safe
First conceptualized for SweptRP on South Side, I made a money safe that you can store money in. The idea was that your wallet is limited and the safes persist in the world. You can also just destroy everything in it!
DeadShot Gem Miner
As what could be considered an early April Fools’ joke, I made a fake gem miner for the game It has a simple animation of a pickaxe mining a gem and counts up a number. It doesn’t actually generate anything, but it was fun.
Table Games
Upon testing some poker hands, I noticed I hadn’t actually added a check for a flush. I added that check and consequently had to fix a few other things.