Week of January 8, 2023

Bodygroup Wardrobe

I improved my Bodygroup Wardrobe to make it easier to manipulate the model preview and access the interface.


Some of the drug effects previously just set walk and run speed, so I changed it to use movement hooks instead. I also added some additional screen effects.

Frenzy Weapons

A few of these weapons broke with TFA Base updates, so I fixed them. A few more had missing sounds, so I fixed them too.

Personal Arsenal

I worked more on the weapons from last week, making them more user-friendly. Not sure what I’ll do with these.

Flash Bomb

I replicated the Flash Bomb from Hunt: Showdown, made a video of it, then improved it. It’s very fun.


I started working on a weapon that would allow you to put a custom keypad on prop doors, mainly for DarkRP. I doesn’t do a whole lot yet.

